Our very 1st session of the 2nd trimester did strike the right chords with discussing topics that have substance in them.
1. Abhishek Iyer took us to a long tour of the theory of constraints covering the below modules
• Analysed the concept of constraints and their behavior
• Elaborated on Drum – Buffer – Rope
• Demonstrated with an example - Box of candies
• Explained the types of plants Viz. V-A-T-I
2. Rishi presented on Omni channel Retail Management that covered,
• Impact of supply chain on OCR
• Benefits of Omni channel retailing
• IBM on order management
To Do :-
The new entrants to GenOps club have been assigned a case to come up with feasible solutions.
1. Abhishek Iyer took us to a long tour of the theory of constraints covering the below modules
• Analysed the concept of constraints and their behavior
• Elaborated on Drum – Buffer – Rope
• Demonstrated with an example - Box of candies
• Explained the types of plants Viz. V-A-T-I
2. Rishi presented on Omni channel Retail Management that covered,
• Impact of supply chain on OCR
• Benefits of Omni channel retailing
• IBM on order management
To Do :-
The new entrants to GenOps club have been assigned a case to come up with feasible solutions.
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