Saturday, 9 December 2017

Impact of Technology on Business Operations

To run a business function that achieves optimal results, the importance of the following key technologies cannot be overstated:
  • Analytics:
    • Predictive analytics are used to identify leading indicators of key performance goals, then the KPIs are monitored to provide an early warning capability.
    • metrics hierarchy can provide a roll-up of the key performance and risk indicators, using root-cause analysis models to determine the reason for a change in performance.
    • Constraint-based optimization is a technique for continuous improvement in supply chain operations.
    •  Scenario analysis can model the financial impact of repeatable, operational decisions in order to choose the best alternative
  • Mobility: With the aid of mobile devices, you can deliver information at the point of decision (in the office or in the field) via real-time alerting and analytics-based, proactive recommendations. But the mobile device is more than a “view” tool. You can then take action using the device’s interactive capabilities
  • In-memory: This technology is all about speed and is well-aligned with the rapid changes in business today. You can retrieve data and perform calculations instantly to enable more frequent cycles of operational planning and impact analysis. (This replaces pre-aggregation strategies that trade off data latency to achieve acceptable performance.)
The combination of mobility with analytics based on in-memory provides an ideal platform for achieving best-in-class operations.

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